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Indian Knowledge Systems Primer

Video Repository for Young Learners

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It is important for young learners to know that India has been a cradle not only for refined civilizational best-practices but also for numerous scientific developments. Through these introductory videos children will awaken to India's rich scientific heritage.

These videos on Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) will help children get acquainted with the contributions of Vedic seers, Piṅgala, Patañjali, Caraka, Vāgbhaṭa, Āryabhaṭa, Bhāskarācārya, Nārāyaṇa Paṇḍita, Nīlakaṇṭha Somayājī,  and many more.

IKS Primer Videos for Children are best for ages 12 & above

Presents an in-depth introduction in Bhāratīya Gaṇita, Āyurveda, Nakṣatra-vidyā & Yoga 

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Ayurveda 1- Introduction >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 3 - Doshas >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 5 - Insights on Food >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 7 - Dinacharya >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 2 - Padartha Vijnana >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 4 - Shadrasa >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 6 - Saptadhatu >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 8 - Ritucharya >> Read DharmaWiki

Ayurveda 9 - Roga >> Read DharmaWiki


Ganita 1 - Introduction

Ganita 2 - Indian Place Value System

Ganita 3 - Katapayadi Number System

Ganita 5 - Bhutasankhya >> Read DharmaWiki

Ganita 7 - Vedic Geometry 2

Ganita 9 - Algebraic Identities

Ganita 4 - Aryabhatiya Number System

Ganita 6 - Vedic Geometry 1

Ganita 8 - Area of Polygons

Ganita 10 - Squaring

Ganita 11 - Square Roots

Ganita 13 - Magic Squares Part 2

Ganita 15 - Cubes

Ganita 17 - Intro to Chandas >> Read DharmaWiki

Ganita 12 - Magic Squares Part 1

Ganita 14 - Magic Squares Part 3

Ganita 16 - Cuberoot

Ganita 18 - Pratyayas in Chandas

Nakshatra Vidya

Nakshatravidya 1 - Introduction

Nakshatravidya 2 - Rotation of Earth

Nakshatravidya 3 - Revolution of the Earth

Nakshatravidya 4 - Khagola & Rashi

Nakshatravidya 5 - Ayana & Ayanachalana

Nakshatravidya 7 - Vara and Tithi

>>Read DharmaWiki

Nakshatravidya 6 - Calendrical System

Nakshatravidya 8 - Yoga & Karana

>> Read DharmaWiki


Yoga 1 - Introduction >> Read DharmaWiki

Yoga 2 - Ashtanga Yoga >> Read DharmaWiki

Yoga 3 - Yoga and The Body >> Read DharmaWiki

Yoga 4 - Yoga and The Mind >> Read DharmaWiki

Yoga 5 - Yoga and Cognition

Conclusion: Overview of IKS


#1 Knowing our scientific heritage and history inspires young minds

School textbooks introduce children to Pythagoras, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy, Newton, Mendeleev, Einstein and many such tall figures of science. While their contributions are invaluable, children only gain a Euro-centric narrative to development of human thought and scientific breakthroughs. 


Beginning through the Vedic era up until recent times, Indian thinkers, linguists and scientists have bolstered breakthroughs in numerous fields. 


This IKS learning resource collection will help children get equally acquainted with the contributions of Vedic seers, Patanjali, Vyāsa, Pāṇini, Piṅgala, Kapila, Suśruta, Caraka, Kaṇāda, Gotama, Āryabhaṭa, Vāgbhaṭa, Bhāskarācārya and many more. 


Records have shown that Mendeleev was inspired by the two dimensional structure of the Sanskrit alphabet system to formulate the periodic table. Erwin Schrödinger, a founder of quantum theory, credited ideas in the Upanishads for the key notion of superposition. Hence, knowing about Indian thought leaders would also serve as a rich fountain of inspiration for young minds to become future leaders. 

#2 Gaining relevant knowledge that empowers

Drawing concepts and pedagogical tools from IKS is highly relevant to aid the cognitive development of children in current times as well. Knowledge from Indian Āyurveda will inspire children to naturally lead hale and healthy lives. 


It empowers the learners with information as well as interventions to dynamically balance one’s wellness. Indian Astronomy would help develop keen observation and visualisation skills. 


Conceptual clarity arises in studying Indian mathematical constructs. Children will be empowered to see Pi as not a mere irrational number but as the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. Children will be empowered with techniques and pedagogical methods to approach math joyously. 


These lessons align well with the vision of the new National Education Policy which has emphasised the merits of offering courses in IKS to learners.

#3 Instilling values 

Most important is the fact that frameworks and concepts from IKS are not value-neutral but value-positive. Going through various lessons in Āyurveda, children would inherit the rich tradition of love and reverence for nature that our ancient seers have held through ages. 


Ecological principles followed all over India from ancient times will make children more empathetic towards nature, become more mindful of consuming resources and lead a self-reliant and sustainable life in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. 

#4 Aspiring for IKS Higher Education

While Engineering and Medical education are much sought after these days, not many students aspire for IKS based degrees like Ayurveda, Yoga or Indian Languages. There is immense potential for these knowledge systems to solve global problems . Introducing them at the school level will help to create an aspiration among learners to take up these knowledge systems as higher education and career paths. 


When offered in combination with contemporary sciences, children can aspire for interdisciplinary degree programs where IKS is used for solving contemporary scientific problems and modern science can help expand the understanding of IKS.

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