It is often convenient to believe that marriages are made in heaven because we don’t have to take personal responsibility for them. In the Indian context, marriage is a key milestone in a person’s life. Leading the life of a Grihastha is a path in itself. The aim of the Indian marriages was not only to keep the couple united but also create a platform to work towards a higher possibility. The sacred thread represented the nadis or energy channels of the couples which was intertwined during the marriage symbolizing exchange and interdependence of energies.
Abraham Maslow was a psychologist in the 1940s. He talked about the hierarchy of needs of humans: physiological, safety, emotional, esteem and self-actualization. When we look at certain failed marriages around us, most of them are stuck at the lower needs. Lot of time and energy is spent on taking care of these very “basic” needs: security, clothing, shelter etc. When the family as whole works towards certain higher aspirations, some common higher goals, then these basic needs can be self-managed and kept aside without too much fuss. When a family sets a vision for itself, every member of the family understand his/her individual role in making the vision a reality. The members become limbs of an organism moving in perfect coordination. This creates harmony and a deep sense of satisfaction. When we are stuck in the lower needs of merely satisfying our emotions or ego, there is frustration, a deep sense of dissatisfaction and an urge to run away from family responsibilities. The success of marriage lies in how fast they resolve these basic needs and move towards higher aspirations. Marriages are sure made in heaven..the heaven that we create for ourselves.