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Binary Stars Simulation

Writer's picture: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation

Astrounl Sim­u­la­tor

In one of our Mahab­hara­ta ses­sions, the ques­tion was:

Q: Dur­ing my sis­ter’s wed­ding I noticed that the cou­ple were asked to look at the Arun­dathi star in the noon? Don’t you think this is a super­sti­tious prac­tice? The star isn’t even vis­i­ble dur­ing the day!

A: Even if one can­not see the star, it is there isn’t it? When we say the sun sets, where does the sun go? It just dis­ap­pears from our view, thats all! So Arund­hati is there but she isn’t vis­i­ble dur­ing the day. As regards the pop­u­lar prac­tice it is not so much to do with see­ing with the out­ward as it is to do with see­ing with the inner eye. Arund­hati and Vashistha are bina­ry stars. Bina­ry stars are those that­go around a com­mon cen­tre of grav­i­ty. There is a com­mon cen­tre of grav­i­ty and the two stars go in their own orbits around a com­mon cen­tre of grav­i­ty. But it also seems like they are going around each oth­er. It is very impor­tant to under­stand this with respect to our design of the viva­ha — viva­ha dhar­ma. Gen­er­al­ly we show Arund­hati, as a role mod­el. Why?Because Arund­hati and Vasish­ta are sup­posed to be bina­ry stars. Our viva­ha dhar­ma was not based on the move­ment of the earth and sun, which is a clear infe­ri­or supe­ri­or rela­tion­ship. Or not based on earth and moon, which is again an infe­ri­or supe­ri­or rela­tion­ship in terms of one mov­ing around the oth­er. It was based on Arund­hati and Vasish­ta, which are bina­ry star sys­tems. Inter­est­ing­ly, let’s say the radius we increase, it does not mat­ter so much. But let’s increase the mass.

In Tamil we remark jok­ing­ly “Which rajyam in your house? Meenakshi or Chi­dambaram?”. See, in Madu­rai, Meenakshi is the cen­tre of pow­er. So Meenakshi Rajyam means the woman plays the dom­i­nant role in the house. Chi­dambaram rajyam means Chi­dambaram or Natara­ja holds the dom­i­nance. But still these are bina­ry stars. You under­stand? It does not make it an infe­ri­or-supe­ri­or rela­tion­ship. Even in Meenakshi-Sun­daresh­war rela­tion­ship, it is not infe­ri­or supe­ri­or. In mass, she pre­dom­i­nates that’s all. So these are very impor­tant things to under­stand. You can learn so much from the sci­ence of astron­o­my and apply it to your per­son­al life. Many peo­ple, with­out under­stand­ing this, start feel­ing supe­ri­or or infe­ri­or. It’s in terms of role play. If the role requires heav­ier mass, if that means going around the oth­er, so be it. It’s role play. It is nev­er based on ahamkara. Based on what is required for such sit­u­a­tion such role play is advised. It is a sort of team work. You don’t wor­ry about ego too much, you just play the role that is required for the sit­u­a­tion. Oth­er­wise, there will always be con­tin­u­ous ego con­flicts. And that is almost impos­si­ble to resolve. The only cor­rec­tion that can be applied is vision cor­rec­tion. Your inner vision has to become expan­sive and inclu­sive. And hence in our tra­di­tion­al way of mar­riage Arund­hati and Vasish­ta were shown as role mod­els wor­thy of emu­la­tion. With­out under­stand­ing these prin­ci­ples when you enter a very impor­tant stage of life (mar­riage) you are basi­cal­ly enter­ing the ocean with­out a com­pass for nav­i­ga­tion. With these process­es the expec­ta­tions are set for a good and sat­is­fy­ing life expe­ri­ence ful­fill­ing your dhar­ma. Even when you enter an orga­ni­za­tion after col­lege you are giv­en an ori­en­ta­tion set­ting appro­pri­ate expec­ta­tions, giv­en appro­pri­ate role mod­els to emu­late and giv­en a career growth path ful­fill­ing your dhar­ma in the orga­ni­za­tion and soci­ety at large.


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