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Books for Bala Kathalaya: Anaadi’s Childrens Library

Writer's picture: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation

Books are a great source of knowl­edge and inspi­ra­tion. The right set of books help to set the right vision for life. Val­ues when taught through sto­ries leave a deep impres­sion in the minds of the lis­ten­er and this is so true with chil­dren. The Indi­an Puranas, Ithi­haasas and life sto­ries of great Indi­an peo­ple help to build a stronger iden­ti­ty with the land of our birth and make us more con­nect­ed with the Indi­an ethos. At Anaa­di Foun­da­tion, we are start­ing a library and katha­laya for chil­dren in the month of March. Anaa­di Bala Katha­laya will be a hang­out space for chil­dren where they can lis­ten to sto­ries, read books and dis­cuss with each oth­er. Bala Katha­laya will be an immer­sive learn­ing space for chil­dren where sam­skaras can be built through the great Indi­an sto­ries. We believe in team work to make things hap­pen and we seek your sup­port in build­ing a mean­ing­ful space for chil­dren. We seek your sup­port in donat­ing books for the library. Here is a form to express your inter­est to donate books. You can donate by a) Buy­ing online and ship­ping b) Donat­ing Gift Vouch­ers c) Ship­ping your own col­lec­tion. Anaa­di Bala Katha­laya will serve as a lend­ing library and a space for read­ing and sto­ry telling. We also plan to ori­ent young peo­ple inter­est­ed in sto­ry telling to vol­un­teer for the ses­sions for chil­dren.



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