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Indian Astronomy: Part 1

Writer: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation



The celes­tial sphere

The eclip­tic


Right ascen­sion and dec­li­na­tion

Hori­zon dia­grams

Direc­tions, ris­ing and set­ting

Cause of the sea­sons

Path of the sun in the sky


The Hin­du way of time­keep­ing is a very deep sci­ence, for it relates the indi­vid­ual to the uni­verse, the micro­cosm to the macro­cosm.

Indi­an time­keep­ing is based on dis­tant celes­tial bod­ies and is insep­a­ra­ble from astron­o­my. The posi­tions of these celes­tial bod­ies, as observed from the earth, fol­low peri­od­ic pat­terns. Pat­terns means math­e­mat­ics. So time­keep­ing is essen­tial­ly astro­nom­i­cal math­e­mat­ics, where the exact posi­tions and tra­jec­to­ries of celes­tial bod­ies are math­e­mat­i­cal­ly cal­cu­lat­ed and used to reck­on time on earth.

Be it mod­ern or ancient Indi­an astron­o­my, there are some fun­da­men­tal con­cepts to be under­stood. In Part 1 we shall look at these con­cepts.

The celestial sphere

The celes­tial sphere is an imag­i­nary sphere of infi­nite radius against which celes­tial bod­ies appear to be pro­ject­ed. The earth is con­sid­ered to be locat­ed at the cen­ter of the celes­tial sphere.

The earth rotates on its axis from west to east while the celes­tial sphere is fixed.

Fig. 1 — The celes­tial sphere

The ecliptic

The eclip­tic is the great cir­cle formed by the inter­sec­tion of the plane of the earth­’s orbit with the celes­tial sphere. It rep­re­sents the appar­ent path of the sun dur­ing the year.

The eclip­tic plane is tilt­ed 23.5° with respect to the plane of the celes­tial equa­tor. (Since the Earth’s axis is tilt­ed by the same angle with respect to the nor­mal to the orbital plane).

Fig. 2 — The eclip­tic


Equinox­es — Ver­nal or spring and autum­nal — are the two points on the celes­tial sphere where the celes­tial equa­tor inter­sects the eclip­tic. Ver­nal equinox is shown in Fig. 3. Autum­nal equinox is locat­ed oppo­site the ver­nal equinox and is not labeled in this fig­ure.

Right ascension and declination

The north and south poles of the earth are aligned with the north and south poles of the celes­tial sphere. The earth’s equa­tor is aligned with the celes­tial equa­tor.

Just as points on the earth are locat­ed with two coor­di­nates — lat­i­tude and lon­gi­tude, objects on the celes­tial sphere are locat­ed with respect to sim­i­lar two coor­di­nates — celes­tial lat­i­tude and celes­tial lon­gi­tude, also known as dec­li­na­tion and right ascen­sion.

The ver­nal equinox is the point through which the ref­er­ence celes­tial lon­gi­tude, called 0 hour Right Ascen­sion pass­es. (This is sim­i­lar to the Green­wich merid­i­an as ref­er­ence lon­gi­tude on earth). The celes­tial equa­tor is the ref­er­ence celes­tial lat­i­tude, called 0 degree dec­li­na­tion. (This is sim­i­lar to the earth’s equa­tor being the ref­er­ence lat­i­tude, 0 degrees.)

Right ascen­sion is mea­sured east­ward up to 24 h along the celes­tial equa­tor from the ver­nal equinox. Dec­li­na­tion is mea­sured from 0 — 90° N or S of the celes­tial equa­tor.

Fig. 3 — Equinox­es, Right Ascen­sion and Dec­li­na­tion

Horizon diagrams

Your hori­zon is the line, 360 degrees all around you, where the land and the sky appear to meet.

Fig. 4 — The hori­zon

The hori­zon marks the bound­ary of the one half of the celes­tial sphere that is vis­i­ble to an observ­er at any giv­en time. (The oth­er half of the celes­tial sphere is not vis­i­ble since the sur­face of the earth blocks the view).

Celes­tial sphere view and hori­zon view We can switch from the the celes­tial sphere view (in which we are view­ing from space) to the hori­zon dia­gram view (in which we are view­ing from a loca­tion on the earth’s sur­face). This is done by draw­ing the plane of the hori­zon tan­gent to the sur­face of the earth on which the observ­er is stand­ing.

Fig. 5 — Celes­tial Sphere view and Hori­zon Dia­gram view — an observ­er (white dot) on the north­ern hemi­sphere

Cardinal directions, Rising and Setting

Fig. 6 — Appar­ent ris­ing and set­ting of stars.

The car­di­nal direc­tions north, south, west and east defined with respect to the hori­zon.

North is locat­ed on the hori­zon just below the North star or Polaris. South is locat­ed on the hori­zon exact­ly oppo­site north.

Objects appear to rise in the east and set in the west, even though they are fixed on the celes­tial sphere. This is because of the earth’s rota­tion on its axis from west to east.

Ris­ing means that the celes­tial object comes above the hori­zon and becomes vis­i­ble. Set­ting means that the celes­tial object goes below the hori­zon and is not vis­i­ble. When the sun ris­es, it is day, and when the sun sets, it is night, for the sun is the source of light. Its absence caus­es dark­ness. The path of the sun in the sky will be explained below.

Cause of the seasons

The cause of sea­sons is the tilt of the earth­’s axis by 23.5°. The tilt changes — the num­ber of hours of day and night at dif­fer­ent times of the year — the direct­ness of the angle of sun’s rays (which changes the amount of solar radi­a­tion received in an area)

The north­ern and south­ern hemi­sphere expe­ri­ence oppo­site sea­sons at the same time.

Fig. 7 — Cause of sea­sons — tilt of the earth’s axis

Spring Equinox (March 21 or 22)

  1. The over­head sun (most direct light, 90°) is over the equa­tor. The equa­tor receives the largest amount of solar radi­a­tion.

  2. The north­ern hemi­sphere is in the spring equinox, while the south­ern hemi­sphere is in the autumn equinox.

  3. The two hemi­spheres receive a sim­i­lar amount of solar radi­a­tion, and the length of day and night is the same at all places on the earth.

Fig. 8 — Spring Equinox (March 21 or 22)

After this day, it is spring in the north­ern hemi­sphere, where the day is longer than the night. In the south­ern hemi­sphere, it becomes autumn, when the day is short­er than the night.

Sum­mer sol­stice (21 or 22 June)

  1. The over­head sun is over the Trop­ic of Can­cer. It receives the largest amount of solar radi­a­tion.

  2. The north­ern hemi­sphere is in the sum­mer sol­stice, while the south­ern hemi­sphere is in the win­ter sol­stice.

  3. The length of day­time in the north­ern hemi­sphere, is the longest in the year, while that of the south­ern hemi­sphere, is the short­est in the year. There are 24 hours of day­light at the Arc­tic cir­cle and 24 hours of dark­ness at the Antarc­tic cir­cle.

Fig. 9 — Sum­mer Sol­stice (21 or 22 June)

Autumn equinox (22 or 23 Sep­tem­ber)

  1. The over­head sun is over the equa­tor again. The equa­tor receives the largest amount of solar radi­a­tion.

  2. The north­ern hemi­sphere is in the autumn equinox, while the south­ern hemi­sphere is in the spring equinox.

  3. The two hemi­spheres receive a sim­i­lar amount of solar radi­a­tion and the length of day and night is the same at all places on the earth.

Fig. 10 — Autumn equinox (22 or 23 Sep­tem­ber)

After this day, it is autumn in the north­ern hemi­sphere where the day is short­er than the night. In the south­ern hemi­sphere, it becomes spring, when the day is longer than the night.

Win­ter sol­stice (21 or 22 Decem­ber)

  1. The over­head sun is over the Trop­ic of Capri­corn. It receives the largest amount of solar radi­a­tion.

  2. The north­ern hemi­sphere is in the win­ter sol­stice, while the south­ern hemi­sphere is in the sum­mer sol­stice.

  3. The length of day time in the north­ern hemi­sphere is the short­est in the year, while that of the south­ern hemi­sphere is the longest in the year.There are 24 hours of dark­ness at the Arc­tic cir­cle, and 24 hours of day­light at the Antarc­tic cir­cle.

Fig. 11 — Win­ter sol­stice (21 or 22 Decem­ber)

Path of the sun in the sky

The sun does not rise exact­ly in the east and set exact­ly in the west on all days dur­ing the year. The point where the sun ris­es and sets on the hori­zon changes depend­ing on the day of the year, that is, where the earth is in its orbit around the sun (or equiv­a­lent­ly, where the sun is in its eclip­tic).

Fig. 12 — Paths of the sun on dif­fer­ent days of the year

There are two motions of the sun from the point of view of the observ­er on the earth. 1)The motion of the sun along the eclip­tic (tra­vers­ing the eclip­tic in a year) due to the rev­o­lu­tion of the earth around the sun. (indi­cat­ed in red) 2)The appar­ent ris­ing and set­ting motion of the sun in the sky (tra­vers­ing the sky in a day) due to the rota­tion of the earth on its axis. (indi­cat­ed in yel­low and orange)

For a per­son on the north­ern hemi­sphere, Sum­mer sol­stice (June 21) — On the sum­mer sol­stice, the sun reach­es its most norther­ly dec­li­na­tion of +23.5 °. The longest day of the year is indi­cat­ed by the greater sec­tion of the yel­low line remain­ing above the hori­zon

Autumn equinox (March 21) — On the autumn equinox, the sun has a dec­li­na­tion of 0°, since the eclip­tic inter­sects the celes­tial equa­tor. The day and night being equal is indi­cat­ed by equal sec­tions of the orange line remain­ing above and below the hori­zon.

Win­ter sol­stice (Decem­ber 21) — On the win­ter sol­stice, the sun reach­es its most souther­ly dec­li­na­tion of ‑23.5 °. The short­est day of the year is indi­cat­ed by the small­er sec­tion of the yel­low line remain­ing above the hori­zon.

Spring Equinox (Sep­tem­ber 22) — Dur­ing the spring equinox, the sun has a dec­li­na­tion of 0°, since the eclip­tic inter­sects the celes­tial equa­tor. The day and night being equal is indi­cat­ed by equal sec­tions of the orange line remain­ing above and below the hori­zon.


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