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Kandar Anubhuti by Saint Arunagirinathar — Part 17

Writer's picture: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation

Sha­ranaa­gati is the state of com­plete sub­mis­sion to one’s Guru or Ish­tade­va­ta. Sha­ranaa­gati leads to tremen­dous out­comes and many great Mas­ters have showed this to be very true. It is a phe­nom­e­nal state that is worth­while our life’s time to aspire and pur­sue. In tak­ing us clos­er to the attain­ment of the gold­en state of Sha­ranaa­gati at the Feet of Muru­ga Peru­man — Lord Skan­da, Saint Aruna­giri­nathar guides and shows the way for long­ing seek­ers.

In this “Sha­ranaa­gati ” series, we wel­come you on a jour­ney where we per­form abhyasa of “Kand­har Anub­huti” gift­ed to us by the great Saint Aruna­giri­nathar.

Arunagirinathar’s exem­plary life and lit­er­ary works are direct por­tals to the Grace of Shan­mukha Peru­man. Aruna­giri­nathar Swami­gal con­tin­ues to guide all sin­cere seek­ers to attain Sha­ranaa­gati at the Feet of Lord Skan­da! In the pre­vi­ous edi­tion we have looked at a brief his­tor­i­cal note on Saint Aruna­giri­nathar. We have also looked at the kap­pu verse and 48 vers­es of Kand­har Anub­huti. In this edi­tion, we delve into the last three vers­es 49, 50, and 51.

Import of Kand­har Anub­huti

Swa­mi Aruna­giri­nathar has bestowed six promi­nent works for the world to cher­ish — Thirup­pugazh, Thiru­vagup­pu, Kand­har And­haad­hi, Kand­har Alan­garam, Kand­har Anub­huti and Vel-May­il-Seval Virut­tham.

Kand­har Anub­huti is regard­ed as a Mantra-Shas­tra — a trea­tise of mys­tic imports and has been placed on par with the well-known Mantra-Shas­tra of Thiru­man­thi­ram - a trea­tise of 3,000 vers­es of Sid­dhar Thiru­mu­lar. The Thiru­man­thi­ram is the 10th book of the Pan­niru Thiru­mu­rai (the 12 sacred Sai­va works) of the Saivites. Cor­re­spond­ing­ly, the Kand­har Anub­huti is regard­ed as the 10th book of the Pan­niru Thiru­mu­rai of the fol­low­ers of Lord Muru­gan. Some gems from Thiru­man­thi­ram have been pre­sent­ed in the Sid­dhar Charithi­ram series of Parni­ka Mag­a­zine.

“Maa­trukaa Push­pa Maalai” is a trea­tise of vers­es with the 51 let­ters, of the San­skrit lan­guage, from ‘A’ to ‘Ksha’. Maa­trukaa Push­pa Maalai is also said to mean a trea­tise of 51 vers­es, because of the cor­re­spon­dence in num­ber and the Kand­har Anub­huti com­pris­es of 51 vers­es. Aruna­giri­nathar him­self refers to this work, in the Kaap­pu verse, as “a gar­land knit with beau­ti­ful sorkal (words or aksha­ras of Tamil)” — “Sen­chor Punai Maalai”.

“Kand­han” in Tamil refers to Lord Skan­da, Who is also adored as Shan­mukha, Sub­ra­manya, Karthikeya, Guha, Velayud­ha, Muru­ga, Aru­mu­ga, Senthilnatha, Sar­a­vana, Dan­dayutha­pani and more names. “Anub­huti” sig­ni­fies the spir­i­tu­al union of the Jee­va (loose­ly means soul) with Shi­va (God) there­by imply­ing direct or imme­di­ate expe­ri­ence of God. Hence “Kand­har Anub­huti” would mean the Imme­di­ate or Direct Divine Expe­ri­ence of Lord Skan­da.

Kand­har Anub­huti con­tains many Mantras both explic­it­ly and implic­it­ly. The Names of the Lord, such as Muru­gan, Kan­da, Shan­mukha, Guha, Vela­va are Mantras by them­selves. Kand­har Anub­huti is replete with these Names of the Lord. Fur­ther, in many vers­es there are Mantras in the form of mys­tic for­mu­lae as brought out by N.V. Karthikeyan of Sivanan­da Ashram. Some instances are “Velum May­ilum Thu­nai” in verse 1, “Naatha Kumaraa Namah” in verse 36, “(Naan) Iraiy­oon Pari­vaaram” in verse 37 and “Guru­vaai Varu­vaai Arul­vaai Guhanae” in verse 51.

Hence Kand­har Anub­huti is held in high esteem as a Mantra-Shas­tra and as the crown­ing glo­ry of Sri Aruna­giri­nathar’s works, because of its high spir­i­tu­al val­ue and mys­ti­cal depth. Kand­har Anub­huti is also espe­cial­ly revered because it intri­cate­ly blends Bhak­ti and Jnana, devo­tion and wis­dom. Kand­har Anub­huti is a text of great impor­tance to sin­cere seek­ers, for in it lies the tremen­dous poten­tial to attain the Lord’s Feet through Sha­ranaa­gati. It is undoubt­ed­ly a phe­nom­e­nal bless­ing that we begin this jour­ney of abhyasa of Kand­har Anub­huti through this series.

Kand­har Anub­huti bestowed by Saint Aruna­giri­nathar

பாடல் 49 — தன்னம் தனி தன்னந் தனிநின் றதுதான் அறியஇன்னம் ஒருவர்க் கிசைவிப் பதுவோமின்னுங் கதிர்வேல் விகிர்தா நினைவார்கின்னங் களையும் க்ருபைசூழ் சுடரே!
The Supreme State clear­ly detached from the instru­ments and objectsHow would I express this to any­one!Oh! Thy lus­trous Lance and mul­ti­var­i­ous FormsYou thwart all afflic­tions (in attain­ing the Supreme) to those who med­i­tate on You!

Aruna­giri Peru­man has been effer­vesc­ing high­ly mys­ti­cal vers­es. In the pre­vi­ous few, after the crown-jew­el verse on attain­ing Anub­huti, we have seen the prin­ci­ples of Iruvinai Oppu, Sak­thi Nipatham and going beyond the tattvas. In the pre­vi­ous verse, Swami­gal hailed the Jivan Muk­tas and their phe­nom­e­nal Supreme state of real­iza­tion as the very res­i­dence of Lord Skan­da. In this verse, Swami­gal says that such a state is clear­ly a dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed state. The expe­ri­ence stands out from the avidya expe­ri­ence of iden­ti­fy­ing with sens­es and objects. விகிர்தன் sig­ni­fies that Muru­gape­ru­maan is One who assumes mul­ti­var­i­ous forms. Hence Aruna­giri­nathar Swami­gal emphat­i­cal­ly says that May you med­i­tate upon the One with Lance or any of His var­i­ous forms. That will bestow upon one the Supreme state by thwart­ing all hin­drances through con­sis­tent sad­hana.

பாடல் 50 — மதி கெட்டு மதிகெட் டறவா டிமயங் கிஅறக்கதிகெட் டவமே கெடவோ கடவேன்?நதிபுத் திர ஞான சுகா திபவத்திதிபுத் திரர்வீ றடுசே வகனே!
A state weak­ened in bud­dhi and lost in adhar­ma Would I ever be sub­ject to such a state! (rhetor­i­cal­ly mean­ing — nev­er)Oh! Son of Maa Gana­ga, Lord of true bliss aris­ing from JnanaOh Supreme War­rior! Slay­er of the might of Diti’s sons!

Among the thir­teen daugh­ters of Dak­sha Pra­jap­ati mar­ried to Sage Kashya­pa, Diti and Adi­ti are two of them. From them Daityas and Adityas were born, respec­tive­ly. Danavas and Daityas are togeth­er the Asura kula. We have seen the samharam of Asura’s leader Sura­pad­man is actu­al­ly called Suran Peu­vazhvu loose­ly mean­ing “greater life attain­ment of Suran”. Because in His Infi­nite Kind­ness, Lord Muru­ga makes Suran his Vahana. Who is an asura, then? Bha­ga­van Sri Krish­na says in the Bha­gavad Gita, “ O Arju­na, the marks of those who are born with asuric qual­i­ties are: Hypocrisy, arro­gance, pride, anger, harsh­ness, and igno­rance. Divine qual­i­ties lead to Mok­sha while the asuric qual­i­ties are said to be for bondage. Asur­as do not know what to do and what not to do [mean­ing the lack of a well refined intel­lect to dis­crim­i­nate — bud­dhi]. They have nei­ther puri­ty nor good con­duct nor truth­ful­ness” (Chap­ter 17). Lord Skanda’s Grace will alle­vi­ate these low­er qual­i­ties with­in our­selves. His Vel bestows the true bliss that aris­es from Jnana.

பாடல் 51 — உருவாய் அருவாய் உருவாய் அருவாய் உளதாய் இலதாய்மருவாய் மலராய் மணியாய் ஒளியாய்க்கருவாய் உயிராய்க் கதியாய் விதியாய்க்குருவாய் வருவாய் அருள்வாய் குகனே!
As That with form and form­less, as That which is and which is notAs flower and it’s fra­grance, as gem and it’s radi­anceAs the source and life, As the des­ti­na­tion and des­tinyAs my Guru may You come and bestow Your Grace, Oh Guha!

This is the most cel­e­brat­ed and final verse of Skan­dar Anub­huti! It is the very Grace of the Lord that he has bestowed all lives with forms, a space for res­i­dence, the inner instru­ments and all life expe­ri­ences. At an appro­pri­ate time one matures, Thiru Muru­gap­pe­ru­man guides as the Guru in the Hri­daya Guha and guides one to become One with Him. Dur­ing the laya stages in between kalpas, that is dur­ing the peri­od of com­plete void, Lord Skan­da car­ries with­in Him as a Moth­er to all jivat­mas and bestows them life again in the peri­ods of man­i­fes­ta­tion that fol­low. The Lord is the nim­mi­ta karana (cre­ative cause) and the upadana karana (mate­r­i­al cause).

Owing only to Guru Kri­pa, Skan­da Iccha and Aruna­giri Peruman’s Tapa, we have had the divine bless­ing of study­ing Kand­har Anub­huti through this Sha­ranaa­gati Series. May His Grace guide us to more swad­hyaya and atma vicha­rana. We invite you to chant aloud Kand­har Anub­huti, con­tem­plate more on these lines and share with us your insights.

In recit­ing, learn­ing and absorb­ing these revered vers­es, may our abhyasa con­tin­ue, may our shrad­dha strength­en and may rev­e­la­tions awak­en as we grow with­in!

Skan­daarpanam! Skan­da Guru Cha­ranam Sha­ranam! Mur­ga Sha­ranam! Muru­ga Sha­ranam! Muru­ga Sha­ranam! Aum Tat Sat!


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