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Paati Vaithiyam: Cold and Cough

Writer's picture: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation

The Indi­an sys­tem of med­i­cine looks at the body and mind as one inte­grat­ed enti­ty. Infact, per­son and his envi­ron­ment, both are equal­ly impor­tant as con­stant inter­ac­tion hap­pens between the two. Ayurve­da is the Knowl­edge of Life. While most mod­ern med­i­cine treats the symp­toms and that too on a spe­cif­ic part of the body, Ayurve­da looks at us as a holis­tic and dynam­ic sys­tem which goes through cycles in tune with nature. Bal­anced Doshas are the key to healthy life. The Doshas are formed from the five fun­da­men­tal ele­ments Prithvi (Earth), Vayu (Wind), Akasha (Space), Tejas (Fire), Apa (Water). Hence many of the reme­dies from the Indi­an tra­di­tion oper­ate at a very fun­da­men­tal lev­el.


The mix­ture of turmer­ic and hon­ey, called “Gold­en Hon­ey” is one of the strongest nat­ur­al antibi­otics used in the sci­ence of Ayurve­da.

  1. Take 1 table­spoon of organ­ic hon­ey and heat it very mild­ly, on low flame (do NOT heat strong­ly!). The hon­ey should be just warm

  2. Take 1 tea­spoon of turmer­ic pow­der in a bowl and slow­ly add in the warm hon­ey, stir­ring until all the turmer­ic is dis­solved and you have a gold­en paste.

  3. Put this mix­ture into your mouth, and allow the mix­ture to remain in the mouth as long as possible,while drink­ing it very slow­ly.

  4. Con­sume 3 times a day, every­day, until cough or throat prob­lems dis­ap­pear.


An exter­nal treat­ment for throat pain and throat infec­tions:

  1. In a bowl,add 2 tea­spoons of sunnambu(slaked lime).

  2. Prepar­ing Moringa Leaf Essence

  3. Gath­er a fist­ful of fresh Drum­stick leaves,from the Drum­stick tree

  4. Wash the leaves in fresh water.

  5. Bring a cup of water to a boil.

  6. Add the leaves to the water and let it boil for a few min­utes.

  7. Remove from flame and let it sim­mer for a few min­utes.

  8. The Moringa leaf essence is ready.

  9. Add Moringa(Drumstick) leaf essence and hon­ey to it, and mix with your finger,to flat­ten any lumps,till it forms a paste. You will feel the paste becom­ing hot.

  10. Now,while it is hot,apply this mix­ture over your throat exter­nal­ly, and wait till it is dry,before wash­ing it off.

  11. The paste can­not be stored. Pre­pare it when you need and use it once daily,for relief from throat infec­tion.


  1. When symp­toms of cough appear,chew a mouth­ful of aval(Flattened rice) along with 2 pep­per­corns. .

  2. Keep chew­ing for as long as pos­si­ble and swal­low it very slow­ly.

  3. Repeat this 3 times a day.

How to grow Turmeric

Turmer­ic is one of the old­est known spices in the world, and has exten­sive med­i­c­i­nal uses in Ayurve­da. Turmer­ic grows well in well-drained loamy soils hav­ing acidic to slight­ly alka­line pH.

  1. Turmer­ic is grown from rhi­zomes. Break a larg­er rhi­zome into small­er rhi­zomes with 2–3 buds each.

  2. Plant the rhi­zomes 2 inch­es below the sur­face of the soil, with the buds fac­ing up.

  3. Water every­day, and keep the soil moist, but not sog­gy.

  4. Edi­ble turmer­ic rhi­zomes can be har­vest­ed in 8–10 months. When the rhi­zomes are large enough, dig up all the rhi­zomes.

  5. Boil the roots for 45 min­utes.

  6. Dry the roots for a week.

  7. Peel the dried roots and grind to a pow­der

How to grow Moringa (Drumstick)

Drum­stick can be eas­i­ly prop­a­gat­ed by stem cut­tings. The Drum­stick plant grows best in well-drained loamy soils with slight­ly acidic pH. However,it can thrive even in poor soils,with min­i­mal water require­ments. It can sur­vive in drought con­di­tions as well.

Make a stem cut­ting at least 1” in diam­e­ter and at least 6 feet long.

  1. Dig a hole 3 ft x 3 ft and 3 ft deep.

  2. Place the cut­ting in this hole and fill with a mix­ture of soil, sand and com­post­ed manure. Pack firm­ly around base of the cut­ting. Form a slight dome or cone shape, slop­ing down away from the cut­ting. It is desir­able that water not touch the stem of the new tree.

  3. Water gen­er­ous­ly, but do not drown the cut­ting in water.

  4. In India, the cus­tom is to put some cow dung on top of the open end of the cut­ting. This is an excel­lent way to pro­tect the cut­ting from pests.


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