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Paati Vaithiyam : Common Cold

With the mon­soon set­ting in and the weath­er becom­ing errat­ic, it not uncom­mon to catch a cold or cough. The Indi­an sys­tem of Ayurve­da looks at all dis­eases as imbal­ance of the 3 doshas name­ly : Vata, Pitha and Kapha. When we under­stand these basic prin­ci­ples, it will be easy to inte­grate the prin­ci­ples of a bal­anced diet into our lives. Com­mon cold and cough occur due to the imbal­ance of Kapha dosha. When the weath­er out­side is cold, our diges­tive fire too becomes a bit dim, there­by mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for the body to burn tox­ins. This is the time when our body become more sus­cep­ti­ble to cold. We will need to include com­po­nents in our food that will boost this diges­tive fire and bal­ance kapha dosha. Pun­gent, Bit­ter or Astrin­gent tastes can help counter the imbal­ance. Pep­per, cumin seeds, and gin­ger are some spices that can be ben­e­fi­cial. Here are some herbal reme­dies for com­mon cold.

Remedy#1 * Pour a glass of water into a ves­sel.

* Add some Tulasi (Holy Basil) and Omaval­li (Indi­an Bor­age) leaves into the water and bring it to a boil. * Add panam kalka­n­du (palm jag­gery) to sweet­en the brew and drink this three times a day: in the morn­ing, after­noon and at night.


* Take equal quan­ti­ties of pep­per pow­der, chukku (dry gin­ger pow­der) and thip­pili (Long Pep­per) pow­der. * Dry roast each of these pow­ders in a pan sep­a­rate­ly. * Mix the pow­ders and store them in an air-tight con­tain­er. * When symp­toms of cold and cough appear, mix this pow­der in a table­spoon of hon­ey and con­sume. * Have this mix­ture three times a day: in the morn­ing, after­noon and at night.


* Pour a glass of water into a ves­sel. * Crush 5–6 peppercorns,add it to the water and bring to a boil. * Turn off the flame, and add panam kalkandu(palm jag­gery) for taste. * Sip this brew slow­ly while hot. * Have this three times a day: in the morn­ing, after­noon and in the evening.

How to grow Tulasi (Holy Basil)

Tulasi is a sacred plant that is found in almost all Indi­an house­holds. Tulasi can be grown very eas­i­ly in local soil or in a pot and requires lit­tle main­te­nance. Its leaves have a vari­ety of med­i­c­i­nal uses. As per Vaas­tu shas­tra, the Tulasi plant must be plant­ed to the north-east of the house.

Sow the Tulasi seeds in a pot filled with pot­ting soil, or direct­ly in the local soil. The Tulasi must be plant­ed in a place that receives direct sun­light. The seeds must be sowed ¼ inch deep into the soil. Sprin­kle with water, and ensure that the soil is always moist, but not sog­gy.

How to grow Omaval­li (Indi­an Bor­age)

Omaval­li or Kar­pooraval­li is also a herb that can be eas­i­ly grown on a pot or on the ground. It also requires very lit­tle main­te­nance. Prop­a­ga­tion of Omaval­li is by stem cut­ting.

Coleus amboinicus - Wikipedia

Plant a stem cut­ting of the Omaval­li herb in the local soil or in a pot.It must be plant­ed in a place that receives direct sun­light. The plant requires ample amount of water. Water the plant suf­fi­cient­ly.

NOTE :If the local soil is infer­tile, work organ­ic com­post into the soil, in the ratio 1:1 (one part of organ­ic com­post to one part of soil) before plant­i­ng these herbs.

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