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Paati Vaithiyam: Stomach Ache



Remedy #1

  1. Take a spoon­ful of Vend­heyam (Fenu­greek seeds) and cur­ry leaves and fry them in a pan.

  2. Now pour a glass of water to it and bring to a boil. Allow it to boil for some time.

  3. Add a spoon­ful of but­ter, add panavel­lam (Palm jag­gery) to taste and con­sume.

  4. Pre­pare and con­sume three times a day: in the morn­ing, after­noon and in the evening.

How to grow Venthayam (Fenugreek)

Fenu­greek is an plant whose leaves and seeds are com­mon­ly used in Indi­an cook­ing. It is an Ayurvedic herb that has been known since ancient times for its high med­i­c­i­nal and nutri­tive val­ue. Fenu­greek seeds improve diges­tion and are used to relieve con­sti­pa­tion and bloat­ing. The seeds are also rich in vit­a­mins and min­er­als and help to low­er LDL cho­les­terol lev­els. Fenu­greek can be grown in a pot or plant­ed direct­ly in the ground.

  1. Take a pot and fill it with sand, red soil and com­post. The quan­ti­ty of com­post can be greater because Fenu­greek needs fer­tile soil.

  2. Take a hand­ful of Fenu­greek seeds and sow them even­ly on the sur­face of the soil. Cov­er the seeds with a thin lay­er of soil and water to keep the soil moist.

  3. Water every­day and ensure that the soil is moist but not sog­gy. The seeds will ger­mi­nate in about 5 days.

  4. The plants will begin to pro­duce leaves and pods con­tain­ing Fenu­greek seeds, com­mon­ly called Vend­heyam in Tamil.

  5. Har­vest the plants when they begin to shed their low­er leaves and the pods turn yel­low in colour. The leaves can be used in cook­ing.

  6. The seed pods must be col­lect­ed and threshed to extract the seeds. Fenu­greek seeds can be com­mon­ly seen in the “Anjarai Pet­ti” (Box con­tain­ing var­i­ous spices) used by Indi­an house­holds for cook­ing.

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