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Sound and Silence : Part 3

Writer's picture: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation

It so hap­pened that a per­son want­ed to expe­ri­ence the inner silence and he found that his home was a place of dis­tur­bance — his par­ents, wife, in-laws (for sure), chil­dren, neigh­bours … every­one seemed to be block­ing him from his expe­ri­ence of inner silence. And hence he iso­lat­ed him­self in his room and there too it seemed that the out­er com­mo­tion was get­ting into the room. So he sound-proofed it and then he found that the fan was too noisy for him to expe­ri­ence inner silence. So he removed the fan and got installed a sound­less air con­di­tion­ing sys­tem. The he found the clock tick to be too noisy and had it removed. And final­ly he found that his heart­beat was so very noisy! So what did he do next … !?

Out­er cir­cum­stances have to be han­dled appro­pri­ate­ly (which is why in the Indi­an sys­tem there are the Niti shas­tras) but the inner cir­cum­stances should also be looked at. If we have an inner frame­work of con­stant­ly find­ing fault with every out­er cir­cum­stance then it will be dif­fi­cult to expe­ri­ence silence — leave alone silence it will be dif­fi­cult to even be tem­porar­i­ly hap­py because there will be end­less caus­es that will be the caus­es for our end­less unhap­pi­ness and this results in a con­di­tion where a tem­po­rary sus­pen­sion or change in the caus­es will cause a state of relief which is not hap­pi­ness and def­i­nite­ly not Anan­da — which is beyond dual­i­ty of hap­pi­ness and its oppo­site sor­row.

And hence for the state of inner emo­tion­al bal­ance and for silence we direct the emo­tions towards the high­er fre­quen­cy shan­ta or peace through guid­ing emo­tions towards a sense of cheer­ful high­er-pur­pose­ful­ness where all oth­er pur­pos­es are steps in the direc­tion of that high­er-pur­pose. Emo­tions are there, but they nev­er touch you. Be like a lotus leaf.

In these series of posts, Shri. Adi­narayanan shares his insights on silence and the path to attain­ing inner silence. These posts come from a deep under­stand­ing of sound and silence through his 100 days of mouna tapasya in com­plete iso­la­tion.


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