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Sundaraanandar Siddhar

Siddhar Charithiram


This is an ongo­ing series on the Sid­dhar Param­abarai of India. Sid­dha refers to per­fect­ed mas­ters who have achieved a high degree of phys­i­cal as well as spir­i­tu­al per­fec­tion or enlight­en­ment. We look at var­i­ous Sid­dhas who have graced upon this earth with their Pres­ence — their life and the wis­dom they shared in the form of poems, cou­plets that are referred to as Sid­dhar Padal­gal. To begin with, we are look­ing at Sid­dhas from the tra­di­tion of “Pathi­nen Sid­dhar­gal”. In the pre­vi­ous issues, we saw about Kud­ham­bai Sid­dhar, Pam­bat­ti Sid­dhar, Idaikkaat­tu Sid­dhar and Sat­taimu­ni Sid­dhar. We also saw how the Sid­dhar­gal poet­ry is pre­sent­ed in Sand­hya Bhasha. In this arti­cle, we will see the glo­ry of Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar.

Sundaraanandar Siddhar

Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar is the dis­ci­ple of Sat­taimu­ni Sid­dhar, whose life and select works were pre­sent­ed in the pre­vi­ous edi­tion of Sid­dhar Charithi­ram. There are not many ref­er­ences about the pre-sid­dhi life of Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar. The text of “Bog­ar 7000” by one among the great Pathi­nen Sid­dhar­gal - Bog­ar has a few ref­er­ences about Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar. There is a ref­er­ence that Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar was the grand­son of Rishi Navakan­ta from the Kishkintha hills. Sid­dha Sun­daraanan­dar is also con­sid­ered to be an expert in space trav­el, samad­hi and Khe­cari Yoga.

Leg­end has it that, the great Sid­dha and Sage Agastya Muni, pre­sent­ed a lingam he wor­shipped to Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar. From then on, Sun­daraanan­dar wor­shiped this lingam and per­formed poo­ja every­day. The book “The Yoga of Eigh­teen Sid­dhas: An Anthol­o­gy” describes a beau­ti­ful inci­dent. It so hap­pened that Lord Shiv­ape­ru­man took the form of a Sid­dha and met Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar and asked him to explain that par­tic­u­lar lingam he had. Sid­dha Sun­daraanan­dar explained that there are two major types of lingam — Parartha-lingam and Ish­ta ‑lingam. Parartha-lingam is fur­ther clas­si­fied into five: Swayam­bu-lingam — one which appeared by itself; Gana-lingam — one cre­at­ed by Lord Shivaperuman’s atten­dants Ganas; Daivi­ka-lingam — one cre­at­ed by divine beings; Arsha-lingam — cre­at­ed by the Rishis and Manusya-lingam cre­at­ed by human beings.

Ish­ta-lingam is cre­at­ed for the per­son­al use of a spe­cif­ic per­son and one who pos­sess­es such a lin­ga does not eat any­thing until wor­ship of the lin­ga is per­formed every­day. Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar explains to the Vis­i­tor that the one he pos­sess­es hap­pens to be an Ish­ta-lingam and an Arsha-lingam hav­ing been cre­at­ed by the great Agastya­mu­ni. As per Agastyamuni’s guid­ance, he per­forms poo­ja every­day. “As I see the Lord every­where, I see Him in the lingam also. Like fire resides in a stick, I see the all-per­va­sive Lord in the lingam and wor­ship every­day.”

Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar lived with his guru Sat­taimu­ni Sid­dhar in the Thavasi Parai caves in the Sadura­giri Moun­tains. He lat­er estab­lished the Sun­darama­halingam in the Tha­ni­parai area of Sap­tur reserve forests in Tamil­nadu. The moun­tain shrine is con­sid­ered a dwelling place of many sid­dhars. One can also find numer­ous med­i­c­i­nal plants grow­ing in the Sadura­giri Moun­tains.

While liv­ing in the Sathura­giri hills, it is said that Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar com­piled var­i­ous works on Sid­dha med­i­cine and astrol­o­gy. Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar in his works of astrol­o­gy has pro­vid­ed means to appro­pri­ate gen­er­al pre­dic­tions on the day of birth, day of attain­ing puber­ty etc. In anoth­er work it is said that, Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar has pro­vid­ed aus­pi­cious days for cul­ti­vat­ing man­go, coconut, banana, sug­ar­cane, lentils and oth­er crops for a fer­tile yield. Man­aiya­di Saasthi­ram giv­en by Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar guides in appro­pri­ate ways to con­struct hous­es that lead to healthy life of the occu­pants. Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar works on poi­son treat­ment and prepa­ra­tion of med­i­c­i­nal salt mup­pu are also hailed in the Sid­dha med­i­cine sys­tem. Koodal at Madu­rai is con­sid­ered as the samad­hi stha­la of Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar. In this edi­tion we are blessed to present a few gems from the lit­er­ary works of Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar.

Like his pre­de­ces­sors and his suc­ces­sors, Sun­daraanan­dar paadal­gal touched many dimen­sions. Some of the Sun­daraanan­dar paadal­gal con­tains beau­ti­ful anec­dotes on That, Parampoorul, the pow­er of Silence, etc., which is as unique expres­sion as the Siddha’s work.

One stan­za which we wish to share with you is about the impor­tance of the mantra- Namashiv­ayah. Here we present the Sid­dhar Sun­daraanan­dar ’s words from Siva Gnana Suthi­ram.

நவ்வெழுத்தும் மவ்வெழுத்தும் குண்டலியு மாச்சு

நடுவில் நின்ற சிவ்வெழுத்தும் மனமு மாச்சு

வவ்வெழுத்தும் யவ்வெழுத்தும் பிடரி யாச்சு

வயிற்றிலே நின்றெழுத்தும் சிவ்வு மாச்சு

அவ்வெழுத்தும் அகாரமுத லந்த மாச்சு

ஆதியிந்தப் பேரொளியாமம் உகார மாச்சு

உவ்வெழுத்தும் பெரியெழுத்தைச் சாத்த உல்லோர்

உண்மையுடன் சிவநிலையை ஊன்ற லாமே The let­ter Na and Ma became the Ida Pin­gala of the Kun­dali­ni

And the one, Ci, became the mind

Va and Ya became the nape

The let­ter stand­ing at the stom­ach has turned to be Ci

The let­ter A became the essence of all

That pri­modi­al Light became U

One who utters U and the big let­ter

Tru­ly can be root­ed in That Siva-con­scious­ness

Na-Ma-Ci-Va-Ya, also called as Siva Pan­chak­shara, is a five-syl­la­ble mantra which is one of the most impor­tant mantra in our Hin­du Dhar­ma. And the “big let­ter” is AUM also called as the Prana­va mantra or the “unspo­ken word” in Sid­dha tra­di­tion. Sun­daraanan­dar explains that by utter­ing these two words of AUM and Namahshiv­aya, the sad­ha­ka can be root­ed in that Siva con­scious­ness.

In this stan­za, Sun­daraanan­dar explains to us about Mantra Yoga and its ben­e­fits. Many of Sid­dhars, by their tapas, have iden­ti­fied many pri­mor­dial sounds that could be of ben­e­fit to sad­hakas. For exam­ple, a Tamil work called Tiru­man­ti­ra­malai-300 we can find a set of fifty let­ters, and they con­sti­tute the var­i­ous parts of the body.

Here are more gems that we wish to share from our learn­ings of Sid­dhar Sundaraanandar’s work is his encour­ag­ing words to Sad­hakas on the progress on the path of Yoga. Sid­dhar Sun­daraanan­dar gives very spe­cif­ic instruc­tions as to the pro­gres­sion of a yog­ic sad­ha­ka. These vers­es vivid­ly gives us a glimpse on the Path ahead of us.மாச்சப்பா முதலிலிப் படியே காணும்

மைந்தனே தம்பிக்கு மிரண்டாம் பக்ஷம்

பாச்சப்பா மூன்றான பக்ஷத் துள்ளே

பசிமெத்த வுண்டாகும் பாரு பாரே Dif­fi­cul­ty, that will be in first step only

My son! It will escape on the sec­ond fort­night

Look! With­in the third fort­night,

There will be intense yearning(for the Beyond)

பாரடா நாலான பக்ஷத் துள்ளே

பதிவாகும் லெகுவாகும் யோகம் பார்க்க

நேரடா அஞ்சான பக்ஷத் துள்ளே

நிச்சயந்தா னொளிவீசும் கண்ணாற்பாரு

கூறடா ஆறான பக்ஷத்துள்ளே

குண்டலிதான் பிரகாச மாகும்பாரு

ஆரடா யேழான பக்ஷத்துள்ளே

ஆச்சரியம் பராபரையைக் காணலாமேLook son! Before the fourth fort­night

You will see that the Yoga is estab­lished and easy

Cher­ish! In the fifth fort­night

The radi­ance of Kun­dali­ni will shine, Be sure to have the Dar­shan

Speak! Before the sixth fort­night

Kun­dali­ni will raise, See!

Behold! With­in the sev­enth fort­night-

Ah! You can see the Para­param!

Like this, Sun­daraanan­dar goes on to explain about the advanced stages of Sad­hana. Sun­daraanan­dar does not stop with the expla­na­tion on the dif­fer­ent stages of Sad­hana. He even men­tions about the hur­dles we might come across dur­ing each stage and even pre­scribes cure through Sid­dha med­i­cine to alle­vi­ate them.

We encour­age the read­ers to take a deep­er look at the var­i­ous stan­zas and their mean­ing from our great Sid­dha — Sun­daraanan­dar. In this edi­tion, we have pre­sent­ed a few gems from the works of Sun­daraanan­dar Sid­dhar. We invite you to con­tem­plate more on these lines and share with us your insights. We also invite you to share with us lines from Sid­dhar Padal­gal that have deeply touched you. You could write to us at

In absorb­ing this, may our abhyasa con­tin­ue, may our shrad­dha in the Sid­dha Parampara strength­en and may rev­e­la­tions awak­en as we grow with­in!

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