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Yagna and Farming: Homa Farming

Writer's picture: Anaadi FoundationAnaadi Foundation

Homa farm­ing is a method of farm­ing with spir­i­tu­al basis. It is done in a homa (yagna) envi­ron­ment and inte­grates homa and its ash as inte­gral com­po­nents in the entire farm­ing process.


Accord­ing to the sci­ence of Homa farm­ing, 75% of the plant’s nutri­tion comes from the atmos­phere. Most meth­ods of farm­ing pay atten­tion to the soil only, and do not work with the atmos­phere. How­ev­er homa farm­ing works on the prin­ci­ple of clean­ing, heal­ing and reju­ve­nat­ing the atmos­phere which in turn vitalis­es all life in it. Through the process of yagna, the atmos­phere gets charged with ghee, nutri­ents and prana which enables the plants to breathe more, and take nour­ish­ment from the atmos­phere. The air and atmos­phere are cleansed of the pol­lu­tants. Yag­nas have been demon­strat­ed to bring rain and increase mois­ture con­tent in the atmos­phere. The earth­worms and ben­e­fi­cial microor­gan­isms in soil mul­ti­ply thus enrich­ing the soil with essen­tial life and nutri­ents. Through the fumes of yagna and spray­ing of homa ash water, the plants are pro­tect­ed from pests and oth­er harm­ful dis­eases. Research on plants grown using homa farm­ing have shown high­er nutri­tion val­ue, high­er shelf life, increased yield, high­er resis­tance to dis­ease and pests even com­pared to organ­ic farm­ing.

Like Yoga nour­ish­es the very spir­it, the con­scious­ness of an indi­vid­ual which leads to growth in all dimen­sions — phys­i­cal, men­tal, vital, emo­tion­al and cog­ni­tive lev­els; sim­i­lar­ly homa nour­ish­es the very source of life, the con­scious­ness in all life forms in its atmos­phere which leads to har­mo­ny and their over­all well being and growth. Hence the ben­e­fits of homa farm­ing are man­i­fold com­pared to even organ­ic farm­ing.

The sim­plest form of homa farm­ing involves the per­for­mance of yagna usu­al­ly Agni­ho­tra yagna: a yagna done with unpol­ished rice, ghee and cow dung cakes at sun­rise and sun­set and Om Trayam­bak Homa.

By arrang­ing 10 Agni­ho­tra pyra­mids in a geo­met­ric man­ner, an area of upto 200 acres is ener­gised. This tech­nique is called res­o­nance and a sin­gle arrange­ment can be used by mul­ti­ple farm­ers. Typ­i­cal­ly a hut called Agni­ho­tra hut where Agni­ho­tra yagna is to be per­formed is built in the cen­tre of the farm using nat­ur­al mate­ri­als. A slight­ly larg­er hut to per­form Om Trayam­bak Homa is also built near­by. Agni­ho­tra yagna is per­formed on sun­rise and sun­set dai­ly in the Agni­ho­tra hut and no oth­er sound is emit­ted there.

Homa farm­ing as a prac­tice comes from the sci­ence of Ayurve­da and was pop­u­larised in the 20th cen­tu­ry by Param Sadgu­ru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot, Maha­rash­tra and his dis­ci­ple Vas­ant Paran­jpe ji. Today farm­ers in sev­er­al coun­tries prac­tice homa farm­ing includ­ing USA, Aus­tralia, Spain, Poland, Ger­many, Peru, Chile, Venezuela and Colom­bia. In India, pio­neer­ing research on homa farm­ing is being con­duct­ed at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agri­cul­ture Uni­ver­si­ty, Palam­pur and Uni­ver­si­ty of Agri­cul­tur­al Sci­ences, Dhar­wad Kar­nata­ka.

Sowing the seeds

Organ­ic, non hybrid seeds should be kept in the Agni­ho­tra hut for at least 2 con­sec­u­tive yag­nas. An excel­lent nour­ish­ment for the seed before it is plant­ed (or the root or stem before it is trans­plant­ed in the soil) is to soak it in a mix­ture of cow dung and cow urine for 1–2 hours. The seeds then semi dried are put in a mix­ture of cow dung and ash from Agni­ho­tra fire and plant­ed in the soil. This pro­vides the ini­tial nutri­tion and ojas to the plants as well as ensures immu­ni­ty against pests and dis­eases. The same treat­ment is also offered to stems being trans­plant­ed.

Harmonising with solar and lunar cycles

The moon exerts a grav­i­ta­tion­al pull on the earth which is com­mon­ly observed as high tides dur­ing the full moon days. The moon and star’s rays pro­vide nour­ish­ment to the plants and ancient cul­tures across the world made use of this knowl­edge by syn­chro­nis­ing their farm­ing prac­tices in sync with solar and lunar cycles. The moon also influ­ences the soil mois­ture. Dur­ing the wax­ing phase, water ris­es clos­er to the soil sur­face thus becom­ing avail­able for the seed to grow. From the cres­cent to the full moon phase, the grav­i­ta­tion­al pull of the moon becomes stronger encour­ag­ing upward growth and is a good time to plant green veg­eta­bles, stems and grains. Days just before the full moon are con­ducive for plant­i­ng trees and fruits with seeds. Dur­ing the wan­ing phase, the moon­light and avail­able mois­ture tend to decrease and the grow­ing ener­gy is dom­i­nat­ed by a down­ward pull. Hence it is opti­mum to plant roots such as pota­to, turnip, car­rots and beet­roots dur­ing this phase. The days of new moon are sug­gest­ed to give the soil rest and one can do weed­ing or har­vest veg­eta­bles.

Treating the soil, plants with Agnihotra ash

About 1.25g/L of Agni­ho­tra ash in water is kept for 3 days. This solu­tion is sprayed on the plants and acts as a nat­ur­al con­trol for dif­fi­cult pests, enhances plant’s growth and vital­i­ty. Agni­ho­tra ash is also mixed in soil as a nat­ur­al fer­tilis­er. The ash is the key com­po­nent that has mul­ti­fold appli­ca­tions in plant and soil growth. A paste of Agni­ho­tra ash, mud and water is also used to heal wounds in plants, in places where the branch is cut or to apply on parts affect­ed by pests or infec­tion. The plants heal quick­ly with Agni­ho­tra ash.

Researchers have found the fol­low­ing ben­e­fits of using Agni­ho­tra ash in soil com­pared to organ­ic and con­ven­tion­al farm­ing. It is also inter­est­ing to note that var­i­ous exper­i­ments were per­formed to com­pare the effi­ca­cy of Agni­ho­tra ash with ordi­nary ash (only ash pro­duced from fire with­out chant­i­ng the mantras) and the results were sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter for Agni­ho­tra ash:

Bal­anced pH: Agni­ho­tra ash has been demon­strat­ed to bal­ance the pH of the soil in both cas­es of imbal­ance — acidic and basic. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful in areas where cul­ti­va­tion is not pos­si­ble due to high pH imbal­ance and even the use of excess chem­i­cals does not guar­an­tee yield. In two inde­pen­dent farms, one high­ly acidic (pH = 4.4) and one high­ly

alka­line (pH = 9.86), Agni­ho­tra ash was used and just after three months, the pH of the soil had come to 7.2 and 7.67 respec­tive­ly.

High­er nutri­ent absorp­tion, increased micro­bial con­tent: Plants need three major nutri­ents (called macronu­tri­ents) – Nitro­gen, Phos­pho­rus and Potas­si­um (NPK) along with sev­er­al oth­er nutri­ents (called micronu­tri­ents) in small quan­ti­ties. By adding Agni­ho­tra ash in soil increased the phos­pho­rus avail­able for plants to absorb, the nitro­gen fix­ing nodes in the roots and the growth of healthy microor­gan­isms and sup­press­ing fun­gal growth.

Benefits of Homa Farming

Pro­tec­tion from pests and dis­eases: A study con­duct­ed by Agri­cul­tur­al Uni­ver­si­ty, Dhar­wad, Kar­nata­ka found 20–40% reduc­tion in pests and dis­eases due to Homa treat­ments com­pared to organ­ic and con­ven­tion­al farm­ing meth­ods in case of toma­to, okra, cab­bage and soy­abeans. Sev­er­al homa farm­ers have report­ed com­plete recov­ery of their crops from fun­gal infec­tions.

High­er nutri­tion val­ue and yield in food: Sev­er­al stud­ies (see ref­er­ences) have demon­strat­ed that with the exces­sive use of chem­i­cal fer­tilis­ers, the soil is deplet­ing and the aver­age nutri­tion val­ue in our foods has been steadi­ly declin­ing: 10–25% less iron, zinc, pro­tein, cal­ci­um, vit­a­min C and oth­er nutri­ents. The decline is not just in vit­a­mins and min­er­als but also in phy­tonu­tri­ents. These are chem­i­cals pro­duced by plants that have antiox­i­dant and anti inflam­ma­to­ry prop­er­ties and also help in fight­ing fun­gi and dis­eases. Lack of these in our foods has led to our bod­ies to be sus­cep­ti­ble to the increased lifestyle relat­ed dis­eases such as osteo­poro­sis, dia­betes, hyper­ten­sion, age­ing, etc. Elders in the fam­i­ly report of the lack of ‘taste, essence and ener­gy’ in the foods. There has been a trend of increased depen­dence on med­i­cines and sup­ple­ments to build our immu­ni­ty and com­plete the dietary require­ments.

Homa farm­ing stud­ies have demon­strat­ed increased nutri­tion and essence con­tent in the plants as well as over­all increased yield per hectare. Stud­ies on toma­to, okra, cab­bage and soy­abean grown using homa farm­ing were con­duct­ed.

Brix is an indi­ca­tor of nutri­ent con­tent in the food – high­er Brix means high­er nutri­ent den­si­ty, bet­ter taste, resis­tance to dis­ease. In Homa farm­ing, the Brix val­ue increased by 39% in cab­bage and major nutri­ents such as Nitro­gen, Sul­phure and Potas­si­um increased by 20%. The ascor­bic acid (Vit­a­min C) con­tent in tomatos was increased by 49% and upto 50% increase in micronu­tri­ents such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn in okra. The oil con­tent in soy­abeans was 10% high­er with amy­lase and inver­tase enzymes being more than 66% and 100% respec­tive­ly. In all the four veg­eta­bles, the aver­age yield per hectare was 20% high­er, plants had more num­ber of leaves, high­er fruit weight.

Sim­i­lar­ly flow­ers such as rose and car­na­tion grown using homa farm­ing showed high­er flower size, increased shelf life and more num­ber of flowers/plant in a year com­pared to sim­ply organ­ic or con­ven­tion­al farm­ing.

Lemon­grass grown using homa farm­ing had high­er oil con­tent and larg­er stalk length while vanil­la grown using homa farm­ing had demon­strat­ed to have the high­est vanil­la essence (36% com­pared to 28% in case of best com­mer­cial lot)


Homa farm­ing is ben­e­fi­cial for every­body – be it the farmer, the con­sumer, the soil or the envi­ron­ment. It leads to the over­all well being of not just the envi­ron­ment but also of the farmer, who by par­tic­i­pat­ing in the homa leads a bal­anced liv­ing. Homa ther­a­py is known to ben­e­fit an indi­vid­ual men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly and stud­ies on the ben­e­fits of homa on human health have also been con­duct­ed. Homa farm­ing is also being prac­ticed by urban farm­ers and rooftop farm­ers who find it sim­ple, inex­pen­sive and with all round ben­e­fits by tak­ing care of health in an urban envi­ron­ment. It is time we explore the poten­tial of the homa farm­ing.

References and further reading:















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