Gujarat University and Anaadi Foundation
Jointly offer
Foundational Course on Indian Mathematics
(Certificate Course in Bharatiya Ganita 101)
Duration : 30 Hrs | Course Fee: Rs. 1000
Course trailer video
About the Course
Various civilizations around the world have contributed their original thought processes to advance humanity’s collective knowledge. The subject of Bhāratīya Gaṇita refers to a particular domain that helps us understand how the knowledge tradition in India advanced in the field of mathematics, blossoming in the cultural and scientific context of the Indian ethos. The history of Bhāratīya Gaṇita spans all the way from the Vedic era to until a few centuries back, where this knowledge tradition thrived in its own unique way and made significant breakthroughs.
There is indeed a treasure trove of mathematical ideas, pedagogical tools and nuanced reasoning in Indian mathematics that can certainly augment and elevate education of mathematics. One can find inspiration to overcome apprehensions towards math and go on to enjoy mastering various techniques and approaches unique to Bhāratīya Gaṇita. The genesis of various mathematical ideas, concepts, demonstrative proofs, branching of divisions and advanced reasoning of ancient Indian mathematicians are presented in this course. Moreover, children would rejoice in knowing how scholarly works of mathematics were composed as lucid verses in Sanskrit.
Course Objectives:
Understanding the mathematical heritage of Bharat and the key mathematical breakthroughs pioneered in the global development of mathematics
Developing conceptual clarity by studying Indian mathematical constructs
Understanding the monumental contributions of Bodhayana, Aryabhata, Bhaskaracharya, Narayana Pandita, Madhava, Nilakantha Somayaji and many more Indian mathematicians in order to gain inspiration from their methodologies, problem-solving approach and demonstrative proofs
Drawing concepts and pedagogical tools from Bharatiya Ganita that are highly relevant to aid the cognitive development of learners in current times as well
Course Contents:
10 Hours of Video Lectures | 10 Hours Assigned Reading | 10 Hours Swadhyaya & Quiz
Modules Covered
Topics and Sub-topics
Unit 1 - History of Indian mathematical development
Key achievements of Vedic Era (pre 500 BCE)
Key achievements of Classical Era (500 BCE - 1300 CE)
Key achievements of Medieval Era (1300 CE - 1750 CE)
Unit 2 - Geometry in Shulbasutras
The extant Shulbasutras
Sutras and properties from Bodhayana Shulbasutras
Bhuja-Koti-Karana-Nyaya (Pythogorean Theorem)
Geometrical constructions of Citis
Earliest exploration of Pi and Surds
Unit 3 - Mathematics in Chandas-Shastra
Binary Arithmetic approach in Chandas-Shastra
Mathematical patterns in Sanskrit poetry
6 Pratyayas or Algorithms
Meru Prastara (Pascal’s Triangle)
Unit 4 - Indian Place Values and Number Representation
Indian Decimal Number System
Kaṭapayādi Number System
Āryabhaṭiya Number System
Bhūtasaṅkhyā Number System
Unit 5 - Aryabhata’s excellence in math
The Āryabhaṭīya - Overview
Āryabhaṭa’s Square Root Technique
Contributions in Planar Geometry
Unit 6 - Glimpses of Bhāskarācārya’s Līlāvatī
Overview of Bhāskarācārya and Līlāvatī
Computing Cubes
Computing Cuberoots
Gaṇeśa Daivajña’s upapattis for some rules in the Līlāvatī
Unit 7 - Puzzles in Indian Mathematics - Part 1
Trairāśika - Rule of Three
Theorem of the Diagonal
Applications of Theorem of the Diagonal
Mensuration of quadrilaterals in the Līlāvatī
Unit 8 - Puzzles in Indian Mathematics - Part 2
Śreḍhī-vyavahāra - Progressions
Iṣṭakarma and Vargakarma
Unit 9 - Magic Squares and other contributions of Narayana Pandita
History of Magic Squares in India
Construction of odd-order magic squares by Narayana
Construction of Pandiagonal magic squares with mnemonics
Turagagati algorithm by Narayana Pandita
Other contributions by Narayana Pandita
Unit 10 - Conclusion and Reflection
Summary of development & important breakthroughs
Glimpses of other advanced concepts
Impact of Bharatiya Ganita on pedagogy
Scope in Research and Teaching