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Nakṣatravidyā or Jyotiṣa, has been a subject of fascination since time immemorial. The legacy of Indian astronomy dates back to the Vedic ages and has evolved continuously throughout history. In this text one would gain the fundamental constructs of Indian astronomy and calendrical system. Learning about the breakthroughs made by Indian astronomers, the unique models that they have conceived, and the meticulous calculations they have made will immensely inspire us all and hone our spatial and visualization skills. One would gain a new-found respect and śraddhā in our Ṛṣi-paraṃparā. This book would be the gateway into the awe inspiring world of Indian astronomy.


More about Anaadi Foundation's - IKS Primer Series:

Anaadi Foundation is a socio-spiritual organization dedicated to the Self-Unfoldment of individuals. Anaadi in Sanskrit means "beginningless". This ashram and consecrated spaces of the foundation are home to three gurukulams ~ Dharma Gurukulam dedicated to Bhāratīya Vijñāna and Sanskrit, two more upcoming gurukulams ~ Aram Gurukulam for learning Tamil spiritual literature and Lilavati Gurukulam of Computing.

Inspired by the calling to offer Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) resources to young readers and adults, Anaadi Foundation has designed a well-researched series of publications titled - “IKS Primer Series”. The objective is to offer young learners and educators friendly resources in a structured approach that would introduce various lessons drawn from India’s rich scientific heritage. 

Designed by highly qualified academicians and IKS researchers, these books would serve as a wholesome pedagogical resource that would bestow values, skills, and expansive frameworks for children to learn joyously. Know more:

Nakshatra vidya

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