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Panchakosha Retreat

Harmony of the Body, Energy, Emotions, Intellect and the Self
April 2025
East Coast | West Coast

Embark on a transformative two-day journey into the depths of self-discovery and holistic well-being through the Panchakosha Experiential Retreat. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishads, this retreat is a unique opportunity to explore the five koshas—Annamaya (physical), Pranamaya (vital), Manomaya (emotional), Vijnanamaya (intellectual), and Anandamaya (bliss). Through carefully curated activities such as meditative practices, Guru Pooja, chanting, and Agni Kriya, participants will experience an immersive integration of body, mind, and spirit. The program is designed to provide practical tools and profound insights, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnected layers of existence.


The retreat follows a yogic routine, emphasizing balance and harmony with daily practices of yoga, pranayama, and meditation. Participants will nourish their bodies with wholesome satvik food, cleanse their energies through Agni Kriya, and rejuvenate their minds through reflective sessions on the koshas. Guided by the principles of Indian spiritual traditions, this retreat creates a sacred space for inner growth and clarity. Through collective chanting and Guru Pooja, participants will connect with the timeless energy of devotion, setting the tone for personal transformation.


Amidst the serene embrace of nature, the program includes hiking trails and time spent outdoors to align with the natural rhythms of life. The hiking sessions offer a perfect blend of physical activity and mindfulness, enabling participants to experience the joy of being present in the moment. Whether it’s meditating by a flowing stream or chanting in the crisp morning air, this retreat promises not just knowledge but a lived experience of the koshas, leaving participants with a refreshed body, energized mind, and a blissful feeling.


Siddhayogi Shriman Adinarayanan and Maa Ananthalakshmi Adinarayanan are the founding Gurus of Anaadi Foundation , a socio-spiritual organization dedicated to inspiring young people to lead a self-reliant, sustainable and fulfilling life. The ashram is located near Palani, Tamil Nadu. The programs offered by Anaadi Foundation are aimed at inspiring young people to lead a self-reliant, sustainable and fulfilled life. Anaadi Foundation offers educational programs and conducts active research based on Indian Sciences including Indian Astronomy, Ayurveda, Cognitive-Neurosciences from a Yogic Perspective, and Indic ecology. The programs at Anaadi are woven with scientific, historic and psycho-social insights from the Ithihasa and Purana making the content relatable and relevant to a modern audience. A yogic couple dedicated to well-being of all, Adinarayanan and Smrithi travel all over India and the world offering a variety programs for transformation and unfoldment of individuals. Adinarayanan has spent more than 150 days in mouna tapasya and the offerings at Anaadi are based on the insights derived from these silent retreats.


Previous Day : Arrive at retreat location on Friday at 4.00 pm

Previous Day: Introduction to the framework of the Panchakosha

Day 1: 6.30 am : Introductory session and simple Yogic practices 

Day 1 : 8.30 am : Breakfast

Day 1: 9.00 am to 12.30 pm: Session 1: Insights on Physical health and 

Day 1: 12.30-1.30 pm: 

Day 1 : 2.00-4.30 pm: Session 2: Life Principles and insights from Indic Wisdom: Gita and Mahabharata

Day 1 : 5.30-8.00 pm : Session 3: Discussions and Reflections

Day 1: 8.00 pm onwards: Dinner and post dinner discussions

Day 2: 6.30 am : Simple Yogic practices 

Day 2 : 8.30 am : Breakfast

Day 2: 9.00 am to 12.30 pm: Session 3: Inner development with Panchakosha Framework

Day 2 12.30-1.30 pm: Lunch 

Post lunch: Outdoor gathering with reflections and wrap up. 

All meals are simple Indian vegetarian cuisine and cooked at the venue. 

Participants will need to carry only personal belongings and warm clothing. Everything else for the stay will be provided. 

Transportation: Participants will need to make their own arrangements for transportation. Car pools will be discussed once registrations are completed. Departure will be from common meeting point to retreat location.

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